Kids Groups

Our kids groups meet at the 9:30am service on Sundays (with the exception of all-age services).

We would love you to come along and join us!

2.5 Years old - Reception

Tree Climbers

Our tree climbers have lots of fun making crafts, singing, dancing and through self-directed play.

All the activities are put in place to help grow the children’s understanding of how much God loves us and cares for us.

Years 1- 5

Mountain Climbers

Children are encouraged to build their own relationship with God and are given time and space to do this.

We learn through a range of activities such as games, crafts, quizzes, quiet times and circle time.

Years 6- 11


On Sunday’s, the youth meet to play games, read the Bible and to go deeper in exploring our faith together.

Orbit also have a social on a Friday night once a half term to eat food, play games and have fun together.

Accessible Church

Our dedicated children and families worker ensures all the sessions are inclusive. We work with parents to ensure that we are able to meet any additional needs that a child may have.

To find out more or ask a question, contact us by clicking the button below.