
Our safeguarding policies were reviewed and approved by St Mary’s Bearwood PCC 13th November 2023.


Every person has a value and dignity which comes directly from the creation of human beings in God’s own image and likeness. Christians see this potential as fulfilled by God’s re-creation of us in Christ. Among other things this implies a duty to value all people as bearing the image of God and therefore to protect them from harm. The parish of St Mary’s Bearwood in the Diocese of Birmingham is committed to keeping children, and adults who may be vulnerable, safe. We are committed to the safeguarding principles adopted by the House of Bishops of The Church of England.

We have a nominated Safeguarding team who work with the Vicar to ensure St Mary’s Bearwood is a safe place.

Our parish safeguarding officer is Alison Carter.

You can contact the safeguarding team by emailing

You can contact the Bishop’s safeguarding advisor on 07342993844.